Social Adventure Week 2

Recap from last week:
The wedding actually went fine. We were all dressed to impress. I (Harmy) finished all the alcoholic spirits I brought with me. The food spread was a breakfast styled affair. I stacked my plate full of french toast, bacon, and buttered rolls, delicious. Red had an equally good time, talking with family, and hanging out with the minions. It was interesting helping take down the decorations from the wedding. Considering how long it took to put up, and the 30 minutes it came down. I managed to get some of the fake flowers and combine them with some plastic bottle cap flowers I made years back.
(Pictured Below)

Topic for this Week:
This Saturday one of my high school friends is having a baby shower. Its her first girl, so its extra exciting. I have been requested to make her a baby blanket with a Batman theme. I have made several in the past and have gotten much better with my technique. It dawned on me this morning that with the baby shower coming tomorrow, I still have not worked on the baby blanket. I know I can start and finish it in a day, but Red and I are discussing my back up plan. Just in case I need to give her an IOU for the blanket taking more time than I expected. So I am going to go get her some practical items for the baby, so I am not showing up empty handed.

(Baby Blanket Tip) - Its always easier to start with the back piece first, so you have an idea of how big you want to make it. It has taken me years to figure this out, because I usually end up making things bigger than I originally thought. So do yourself a favor and go to a thrift store, get an old crib sheet or something like that and work from there.

Focus Topic
A good friend of Red's from our days in Georgia flew in last night. Our House Elf (Salem) and Fish (Friend) were introduced thru text messages awhile back. They finally were able to meet and I could hear birds singing. It is so nice to see two people hit it off and just enjoying each others company. Without going into much detail, they both needed to have a good time with good company.

When I asked Red about this special occasion his comment was:
"We have hardly seen them since they started hanging out. But that Salem has been the happiest since she has been with us. She is definitely doing better than before she was with us."

Only time will tell how the rest of the weekend will unfold. But there are plenty of smiles all around and positive energy flowing around the house. It should be an enjoyable weekend of fami

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